Tax Policy and Advocacy

Our Tax Policy and Advocacy team support you with knowledge, experience and a leading voice in the tax profession.

Business people sitting in boardroom and working together at new strategy plan. Group of leader and businesspeople in a meeting at office. Senior executive with his team working in a conference room.


Advocacy Tracker

New issues

Stakeholder: Board of Taxation


The Board of Taxation is undertaking a review of the dual-agency administration model for the R&D Tax Incentive (R&DTI). 

The R&DTI is jointly administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Industry Innovation and Science Australia (IISA) and the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), with the ATO being responsible for the administration and processing of R&D tax offset claims, and IISA responsible for registering companies’ R&D activities.

The Board has been asked to evaluate the R&DTI dual agency administration model, with a view to identifying opportunities to reduce duplication between the two administrators, simplify administrative processes, or otherwise reduce the compliance costs for applicants.

The Board may make recommendations to modify the R&DTI’s administrative model or to streamline existing administrative functions or processes. If the Board finds that taxpayers experience difficulty in understanding the different roles and responsibilities of the two administrators, the Board should consider whether education programs or communications would assist. Changes to the R&DTI’s broader policy settings, such as eligibility requirements or rates of support, are outside of the scope of this review.

The Board will host roundtable discussions over the course of the coming months in which The Tax Institute will be participating.

If you have any insights on this issue, please share them on our Community hub.

Stakeholder: Commonwealth Treasury


Treasury has initiated a consultation in respect of the proposed patent box announced in the Federal Budget on 11 May 2021. 

The patent box will be for eligible corporate income associated with new patents in the medical and biotechnology sectors. It will apply to companies for income years commencing on or after 1 July 2022.

The Tax Institute is considering preparing a submission in response to the discussion paper.

If you have any insights on this issue, please share them on our Community hub.

Stakeholder: NSW Treasury


The Tax Institute is preparing a submission in response to the NSW Treasury  Property Tax Proposal Progress Paper. The Progress Paper provides an update on the consultation process as well as more information on the proposed model, reflecting further policy and design development.

The Tax Institute’s first submission in relation to the proposal is available here.

If you have any insights on this issue, please share them on our Community hub.

Stakeholder: ATO


The Tax Institute is preparing a submission on draft Taxation Ruling TR 2021/D4 Income tax: royalties – character of receipts in respect of software.

This draft TR deals with the circumstances in which receipts from the licensing and distribution of software will be royalties as defined in subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment 1936.

If you have any insights on this issue, please share them on our Community hub.

Stakeholder: ATO


The Tax Institute is preparing a submission on draft Law Companion Guide LCR 2021/D1 Temporary full expensing.

This draft LCR explains the operation of the provisions for temporary full expensing of depreciating assets introduced by the Treasury Laws Amendment (A Tax Plan for the COVID-19 Economic Recovery) Act 2020 and the Treasury Laws Amendment (2020 Measures No.6) Act 2020.

If you have any insights on this issue, please share them on our Community hub.

Ongoing issues

Stakeholder: ATO


Following the release of PCG 2021/D2 on the allocation of professional firm profits and the ATO’s compliance approach, The Tax Institute is working through the specifics of how we will engage with our members on this important issue.


The Tax Institute has published a member-only fact sheet on the PCG and has worked with the other professional bodies to lodge a Joint Submission with the ATO. The Tax Institute has also lodged a TTI Submission with the ATO.


The Tax Institute is working closely with the special purpose sub-committee. This week, the sub-committee met to discuss next steps, and we are working on information products, tools and resources for our members to understand any updates to the draft PCG.


If you have any further feedback on this issue, please contact us at Tax Policy.

Stakeholder: ATO


Following a number of members raising the issue of the removal of paper activity statements with us, The Tax Institute escalated the matter to the ATO late last year.

This has resulted in a series of regular meetings to discuss the impact of the ATO’s decision to remove paper quarterly PAYG and GST instalment notices and the design of an interim solution which involves the reinstatement of paper activity statements from the March 2021 quarter.

We continue to work with the ATO in the design of a permanent solution.