8:00–8:30am Registration
8:30–8:45am President’s welcome
8:45–9:00am Opening address
Angie Hicks, CTA, Chair, Queensland Tax Forum Organising Committee
9:00–10:00am Session 1: Keynote - Open for business – navigating the ESG movement to embrace opportunity
Danielle Wood, Grattan Institute
Ian Davies, Senex Energy
10:00–10:30am Morning tea
10:30–11:30am Session 2A: Structuring professional practices: Navigating the gateways and traffic lights
David Hughes, McCullough Robertson
10:30–11:30am Session 2B: The future of BEPS – Pillars One and Two
Amelia Teng, Deloitte
Jasmine Leonard, ATI, Rio Tinto
11:30am–12:30pm Session 3A: ATO insights
Scott Walker, Australian Taxation Office
Troy Whelan, Australian Taxation Office
11:30am–12:30pm Session 3B: M&A and ESG – Taxation considerations in relation to ESG trends and M&A activity
Brendon Lamers, ATI, Clayton Utz
Peter Nearhos, CTA, QIC
12:30–1:30pm Lunch
1:30–2:30pm Session 4A: Preparing a business for sale – getting organised sooner rather than later
Chris Dunne, CTA, Grant Thornton
1:30–2:30pm Session 4B: Justified trust
Judy Morris, Australian Taxation Office
2:30–3:30pm Session 5A: Tax governance for SMEs. What is it, what does it look like and why should your clients care?
Belinda Cheesewright, CTA, KPMG
2:30–3:30pm Session 5B: Taxable travel and car parking confusion
Stacey Biggar, KPMG; George Cressey, FTI, KPMG
3:30–4:00pm Afternoon tea
4:00–5:30pm Session 6: The great resignation … or not – embracing a flexible workforce
Hayley Lock, KPMG
Craig Sneesby, U&U
Kara Reynolds, Herbert Smith Freehills
Nicole Smith, Rio Tinto
Rebecca Tuplin, Bright People
5:30–7:30pm Networking function