COVID-19 Stimulus measures 2021

Summary of State and Territory 2021 COVID-19 business support measures

by Robyn Jacobson, CTA, Senior Advocate


Support program


Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

NSW COVID-19 Business Grant Information

$7,500 to $15,000

19 July 2021 to 11:59pm on 13 September 2021

Aggregated turnover of $75,000 to $50m for 2019–20 

≥ 30%, ≥ 50%, ≥ 70% in minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 (27 May 2021 to 17 July 2021 for Southern Border businesses)

Compared with:

◾    same period in 2019

◾    same period in 2020

◾    12–25 June 2021

◾    13–26 May 20211

Maintain 13 July 2021 headcount

Wages no more than $10m on 1 July 2000

Business costs incurred from 1 June 2021 to 17 July 2021



Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

NSW JobSaver Information

Employing: $1,500 to $100,000 per week

Non-employing: $1,000 per week

26 July 2021 to 11:59pm on 18 October 2021

Aggregated turnover of$75,000 to $250m for 2019–20 

30% from 26 June 2021

Compared with:

◾    same period in 2019

◾    same period in 2020

◾    12–25 June 2021

Maintain 13 July 2021 headcount

Capped at 40% of NSW Weekly Payroll

NSW JobSaver extension for larger businesses in tourism, hospitality and recreation industries


Aggregated annual turnover of:

◾    More than $250m to $500m: $300,000 per week2

◾    More than $500m to $1b: $500,000 per week2

Can apply from 26 August 2021 (backdated to 18 July 2021) to 18 October 2021

Applications will be manually assessed

Aggregated turnover of more than $250,000 to$1b for 2019–20 

Aggregated annual turnover of:

◾    More than $250m to $500m: ≥ 50%

◾    More than $500m to $1b: ≥ 70%

Minimum 1-month period within the lockdown (commenced 26 June 2021) compared with the same period in 2019 or another agreed period

Maintain headcount from the day immediately prior to the month they first experienced the required DIT

Capped at 40% of NSW Weekly Payroll

NSW JobSaver extension for certain Not for profits


Employing: $1,500 to $100,000 per week

Non-employing: $1,000 per week

Can apply from 26 August 2021(backdated to 18 July 2021) 

Aggregated turnover of$75,000 to $250m for 2019–20 

15% to < 30%

Further details to be advised

Maintain headcount (date to be advised)

Capped at 40% of NSW Weekly Payroll


2    Fortnightly payments will be backdated to the start of the month in which the business first experienced the required decline in turnover on or after the commencement of JobSaver on 18 July 2021.





Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

NSW Micro-business Grant


$1,500 per fortnight

26 July 2021 to 11:59pm on 18 October 2021

Aggregated turnover of more than $30,000 to less than $75,000 for 2019–20

30% from 26 June


Compared with:

◾    same period in 2019

◾    same period in 2020

◾    12–25 June 2021

Maintain 13 July 2021 headcount

NSW Small business fees and charges rebate


$1,500 digital voucher

April 2021 to 11:59 on30 June 2022 



Wages no more than $1.2m

Fees and charges from 1 March 2021 to 30 June 2022

Victorian Small Business COVID Hardship Fund



Closes until earlier of exhaustion of program funds or 11:59 on  10 September 2021 



Minimum 2-week period from 27 May 2021

Compared with:

◾    Trading in 2019 — 27 May 2019 to 10 September 2019

◾    Not trading in 2019 — 1 February 2021 to 28 July 2021

Victorian payroll no more than $10m in 2019–20

Registered for GST on and from 28 July 2021




Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

Queensland 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grant


Non-employing sole traders3: $1,000

Small employing: $10,000

Medium employing: $15,000

Large employing (tourism and hospitality businesses only): $30,000

Non-employing: 11:30am on 31 August 2021 to 30 November 2021

Employing: Midday on 16 August 2021 to 16 November 2021

Annual turnover of more than $75,000


Nominated 7-day period (must include at least 1 full day of a lockdown event)

Compared with4:

◾    Same 7-day period in July/August 2019

◾    Same period in July/August 2020

Small: annual payroll less than $1.3m

Medium: annual payroll $1.3m–$10m

Large: annual payroll more than $10m

Registered for GST

ACT COVID-19 Business Support Grant


Employing: Up to $20,000

Non-employing: Up to $7,500

26 August 2021 to 5:00pm on 7 October 2021

Annual turnover of more than $75,000 in either 2019–20 or 2020–21

30% over a consecutive 7-day period from 13 August 2021 to 17 September 2021 compared with a comparable consecutive 7-day period in April 2021 to August 2021

Registered for GST

Total Australian annual wages less than $10m in 2019–20 or 2020–21 if employing


3    Can include a non-employing business operating through a company, partnership or trust structure.

4    If the business was not trading during the same period in 2019, or the 2019 period does not indicate a typical weekly turnover, another comparable 7-day period can be used.





Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

ACT COVID-19 Small Business Hardship Scheme


Up to $10,000 in form of credit for:

◾    Payroll tax

◾    Utilities

◾    Rates

◾    Range of business licence fees and charges

Opening in October 2021

Annual turnover of $30,000 to $10m

30% from June 2021 quarter to September 2021 quarter


SA COVID-19 Business Support Grant — July 2021


Employing: $3,000

Non-employing: $1,000

29 July 2021 to 11:59pm on

30 September 2021

Annual turnover of

$75,000 or more for 2019–20 or 2020–21

30% in the week of 20 July 2021 to 26 July

2021 (inclusive) compared to the prior week

Registered for GST

Australian payroll less than $10m if employing

SA COVID-19 Additional Business Support Grant


Employing: $3,000

Non-employing: $1,000

Plus further $1,000 if operate from a commercial premise in the Adelaide CBD

13 August 2021 to 17 October 2021

No minimum turnover

30% over the 2 weeks from 28 July 2021 to 10 August 2021 compared to average fortnightly turnover in the June 2021 quarter 

Registered for GST

Australian payroll less than $10m if employing




Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

Tasmanian Micro and Small Business – Border Closure Critical Support Grant5


Tier 1: $1,000

Tier 2 (no employees): $2,000

Tier 3 (small employing): $5,000

Tier 4 (medium employing): $10,000

2:00pm on 3 September 2021 to 2:00pm on 23 September 2021

Tier 1: Annual turnover6 of $25,000–49,999 (non-employing)

Tier 2: Annual turnover of $50,000–$1m (non-employing)

Tier 3: Annual turnover of $50,000–$1m (employing)

Tier 4: Annual turnover of more than $1m to

$10m (employing)

30% from 26 June 2021

Compared with minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2019 or 2020

Registered ‘for tax purposes’

WA Small Business Lockdown Assistance Grant: Round Two, June 2021



Closed at 11:59pm on 31 August 2021

Annual turnover of $75,000 or more

30% from 29 June 2021 to 5 July 2021

Compared with prior week

Registered for GST

Australian payroll less than $4m

Specified industries for Perth, Peel and Rottnest regions


5    Available to eligible Tasmanian businesses that have not received a grant under the previous Business Hardship – Border Closure Critical Support Grant (now closed).

6    Annual turnover can be for any of the following periods: 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21 financial years or 2020 calendar year.





Support program




Program open

Aggregated or annual turnover

Decline in turnover (DIT)

Other key conditions

NT Territory Business Lockdown Payment Program – Lockdown (round 2) payment


Lockdown payment 1: $1,000

Lockdown payment 2: $1,000

Extended closure payment for eligible businesses: $1,000

Lockdown payment 1: 28 June 2021 to 20 August 2021 (closed)

Lockdown payment 2: 17 August 2021 to 27 August 2021 (closed)

$75,000 to less than $10m


Valid ABN

Fewer than 20 full-time equivalent employees


Common exclusions

  • Businesses located or operating outside of the relevant State or Territory
  • Businesses such as sole traders who are eligible to receive the Commonwealth Disaster Payment
  • Businesses for which the primary or only (varies between States) source of income is passive (rent, dividends, interest)
  • Eligible for another business grant.


Use of business grant funds

  • Meeting business costs, including utilities, salaries, rent
  • Seeking financial, legal or other advice to support business continuity planning
  • Developing the business through marketing and communications activities
  • Other supporting activities related to the operation of the business.


DISCLAIMER: The material and opinions in this article should not be used or treated as professional advice and readers should rely on their own enquiries in making any decisions concerning their own interests.

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9 September 2021

  • COVID-19
  • Stimulus measures
  • 2021