COVID-19 2021 Stimulus measures

Tax advocacy during COVID-19 recognised: Robyn Jacobson, CTA, awarded Henry Fox Award 2021

SYDNEY, 21 May 2020: The Tax Institute’s Senior Advocate, Robyn Jacobson, CTA, FCA, FCPA and Tax agent, has been presented the Henry Fox Award 2021 by CPA Australia, in recognition of her significant contributions to the tax profession in Victoria throughout the past 12 months.

Recipients of the Award must hold an FCPA designation, and:

  • “be held in high standing by public practitioners for professional competence and ethical behaviour, and;
  • [be] a contributor who has produced a positive impact to the membership in their area of influence, and/or;
  • be a major participant in the development of policy changes to public practice.”

Robyn said, “I’m honoured to be recognised with this Award and to join the list of worthy and inspiring tax professionals and practitioners who have received it before me.

2020 was an extraordinarily challenging year, one which we hope never to repeat. But it was also a unique opportunity for the profession to shine, step up and support our clients, our peers and each other.

I became a conduit between practitioners and the ATO, distilling highly technical information on JobKeeper and the cash flow boost, explaining the complex and demystifying the confusing. It was an honour and a privilege to have played that role, and if in some small way my efforts during COVID-19 made a difference to the profession, that brings me enormous pleasure.

Tax and accounting professionals are a wonderful community. Professional associations in this space often work together on issues that affect our members and I’m pleased to be a leader in those efforts.”

Robyn took up a role as Senior Advocate at The Tax Institute in May 2020, bringing nearly three decades of tax experience to the role. As a volunteer member prior to joining The Tax Institute, Robyn was an active member on a number of The Tax Institute’s committees. She continues to be a passionate and avid advocate including as a presenter, podcaster, webcaster, blogger and columnist.

Robyn’s past recognition includes being named in the global Top 50 Women in Accounting 2019, Thought Leader of the Year at the Women in Finance Awards 2019, and the Accountants Daily Excellence Award and Thought Leader of the Year at the Australian Accounting Awards 2020. She has also recently been shortlisted as a finalist for Thought Leader of the Year in the Australian Accounting Awards 2021 (to be announced June 2021).



  • COVID-19
  • 2021
  • Stimulus measures

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