Draft Revenue Ruling DA.047v3 | Landholder duty concessions for eligible roll-overs

The Tax Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to the State Revenue Office (SRO) in relation to draft revenue Ruling DA-047v3 Landholder duty - Duty concession on the interposition of a unit trust between stapled security holders and the stapled entities (Draft Ruling). 

In the development of this submission, we have closely consulted with our Victorian State Tax Committee to prepare a considered response which represents the views of the broader membership of The Tax Institute. 

The Tax Institute considers that the Draft Ruling requires further clarification regarding the application of paragraph 250DI(b) of the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Duties Act) and the interaction with other duty concessions. These are discussed in further detail in the submission.

Submission prepared by:

The Tax Institute

Submitted to:

Renee Ow 
Public Rulings Project Manager 
State Revenue Office Victoria

For more information, contact:

James Hamblin
Victorian State Tax Committee Chair, The Tax Institute
(03) 8608 2854


Abhishek Shekhawat
Associate Tax Counsel, The Tax Institute
(02) 9017 8973

  • 2021
  • State & indirect taxes
  • State taxes