JobKeeper - Request for exemption from Payroll Tax

The Tax Institute has lodged a submission together with the Peak Bodies which represent the tax profession submitting that the JobKeeper subsidy should be exempt from State and Territory payroll tax. Some States have already announced how they will treat the JobKeeper subsidy for payroll tax purposes. However, the Peak Bodies believe the treatment should be uniform.

ACT response

The ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr MLA has confirmed the ACT will exempt JobKeeper payments from being treated as wages for the purpose of calculating payroll tax in the ACT.

Submission prepared by:

The Joint Bodies
(Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Corporate Tax Association, CPA Australia, Institute of Public Accountants, Law Council of Australia and The Tax Institute)

Submitted to:

Mr Neville Power
Chair, National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission


  • Stimulus measures
  • JobKeeper
  • Payroll tax